Dream » V » Victim

The interpretation of the dream «Victim»

A dream in which you are taking part in the sacrifice, means that sometimes you give in to feelings of low.

Miller’s dream book

See the victim of a plot - you predict depression of spirit due to the fact that the enemies took the better of you. Your family relations will also be strained. If you dream you allow yourself to threats and violence toward others, it foretells that you will end up being dishonest wealth, your unauthorized actions will cause bitter regret your loved ones.

Loff’s dream book

For information about the crimes that take place in modern society, are available to everyone, which prepares us for the potential to become a victim himself. Dreams of being a victim is not only widespread, but also become more frequent.

In dreams, we can become a victim of anyone or anything. This may be a murder, robbery, beatings, rape, fraud, abuse you or a relative of the second half - the list could go on for a very long time. In all processes impact on you as a result of which you have become a victim, there are obvious and hidden characters that need to be addressed.

The first step is to find out: to the point where you have been, to what extent was your vulnerable position? Who played the role of aggressor? Was it that the source for the sudden display of evil began a relationship that makes you feel safe? Maybe this random act of violence committed against you stranger? Was there a feeling in you that your abuser knows you, that you had some, at least an indirect link? When you answer.

To these questions, you may proceed to the next step - to study the interpretation of the dream of a particular form of crime.

Longo’s dream book

To appear in a dream as a victim - in fact, you are the victim, and in good faith. You're just so arranged - you like to sacrifice themselves in order to improve the opinions of others about themselves. Catch the dream sacrifice - in real life you aspire to possess more than have. You are not completely satisfied with the status quo and things. But in pursuit of a big you forget about a lot of rules, which must adhere to every decent person. You ruthlessly using other people to achieve their goals. Save the victim in the dream - in the near future, you will ask for help a loved one. Sure, you will render it, but do not refuse myself the pleasure pomoralizirovat. Perhaps once you have warned the man about the possible negative consequences of their behavior. But then he did not listen to you, but after some time has come to ask for help. Bringing in a dream sacrifice - for their own purposes you often trample on the interests of other people. Deep down, you realize that you do wrong, but to do otherwise you can not, and do not want to. Beware, some day you will be treated the same way, and this will be a man of your inner circle.

Freud’s dream book

To see yourself in a dream victim - your dream suggests that you see yourself in a sexual regard as a sacrifice. You do not tend to perceive the intimate life as a peculiar way of your relationship with the opposite sex. You always think that you meet just for the sake of it. Chances are, if you have in your life there was a similar situation, a direct culprit should take you. You are to blame for the fact that the opposite sex sees in you only, subject to the satisfaction of their passions. Bringing someone in the victim in a dream - like a dream indicates that in real life you often sacrifice the interests of its second half, not quite believing that you will understand and be sure to forgive. In your actions there, not only the laws, you still do not know that to do so is simply impossible not to lose this man.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

If you dream about bringing someone or something as a sacrifice, it means that there is an area of ​​your life where you are constantly sacrificing something. This martyrdom. D. "Martyr". You feel like you can not influence on my life, that the circumstances of your own. Remember, you control your destiny. Firmly tell yourself, "I and only I have the power over your life. I run my life events. I define how and what is happening to me ".

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

If the victim is constantly as you sign or you constantly sacrifice yourself, you may have a martyr complex. This is a very destructive type of behavior. You should consult a therapist or reprogram your subconscious, making statements like "I recognize and respect myself. I have the precious gift of life ". It may also mean that you are at the mercy of circumstances and not trying to control them. Declare to yourself, "I choose in life and no one does it for me. I am in control of my life and be elected by the circumstances of life ". Dedication for the benefit of neighbors and society is different from the self-sacrifice. The act may be the same, but the energy behind the dedication, different from the one that pushes the self-sacrifice. When you give yourself over completely and unreservedly, without expecting gratitude, then win the emotionally and physically. Sacrificing oneself, you usually subconsciously want the admiration his act. If it does not (and as is usually the case), your energy runs out.

New family dream book

Saw the victim of a plot - as if the enemies did not take the better of you. Your family relationships may also become strained. If you dream someone become your victim - perhaps you will end up being dishonest wealth.

Medieval dream book of Daniil

Make a sacrifice - to the delight of.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

See the victim of a plot - you predict depression of spirit due to the fact that the enemies took the better of you.

Your family relations will also be strained. If you dream you allow yourself to threats and violence toward others, it foretells that you will end up being dishonest wealth, your unauthorized actions will cause bitter regret your loved ones.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you are a victim of intrigue, it means that your family relationships are far from ideal.

If you dream someone become your victim, it promises disapproval of your favorite arrogant and dishonest acts committed by you.


If we are repressing our ability to develop spiritual potential, we will experience ourselves in a dream as a victim, often of our own doing. When we are continually creating ?no-win? situations this tendency is highlighted in dreams, but may be done so somewhat dramatically. We may find we are victims of burglary, rape or murder, for instance. These will not necessarily be precognitive dreams apart from alerting us to the potential to become a victim. The nature of our particular difficulty may reveal itself through the dream content. In dreams we are often aware of something happening to us over which we have no control. We are the victim in the sense that we are passive or powerless within the situation. Sometimes we are aware that we are treating others incorrectly. We are making them victims of our own internal aggression, and not handling ourselves properly in waking life. You might also like to consult the entries for Burglar, Intruder and Martyr.

Chinese dream book of Zhou-guna

Sacrificial vessels — portend great wealth.


To see a victim of some kind of intrigue - we told you the spirit of depression due to the fact that the enemies have the upper hand over you. your family relationships are strained, too. If you dream you allow yourself threats and violence against others, it foretells that you dishonestly will acquire wealth, your unauthorized action will cause bitter regret your loved ones. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about victim

A dream in which you take part in the sacrifice, means that sometimes you give in low feelings.

Henry Rommel

If you dream see yourself as a victim of circumstances or kakihto evil people, reality will upset victory over you of your enemies.If you chose a victim of another person, threatening him or commit any violent acts, get rich, or simply to improve their material well-being and very dishonest way grieve their loved ones.

Miller’s dream book

To see a victim of some kind of intrigue - I predict depression of spirit due to the fact that the enemies took the better of you. Your family relationships are also strained. If you dream you allow yourself to threats and violence against others, it foretells that you dishonestly will acquire wealth, your unauthorized action will cause bitter regret your loved ones.