Dream » C » Colours

The interpretation of the dream «Colours»

White in a dream means a risky business that can bring or big profits or big losses.

Yellow or ocher color - in reality bring up someone's envy prosperous progress of their cases, in every way you will prevent their completion.

Golden color means that come out the winner in a difficult struggle through endless optimism and faith in their own strength.

Green - a sign of hope of gaining, monetary success, will long trip or receiving business visitors from afar.

Brown and coffee color portend big trouble in the family.

Red and close to it on the color spectrum - will soon receive an invitation to a celebration or to improve their health, well-rested.

Blue or blue - a harbinger of fun happy about the execution of your plans.

Black -'s bad luck, perhaps, the loss of a friend.

Loff’s dream book

Typically, we see colorful dreams, because we live in a world of color. But if a color is dominant or unusual way appears in the dream, it deserves more careful consideration, especially if all the action takes place in the dream environment of different shades of the same color, or if any item stands out for its unusual coloring. As with many colors traditionally associated certain feelings and emotions, the nature of many of them is connected with the archetypal and Jungian theory. But not be limited to unambiguous interpretation: color symbolism goes far beyond it, depending on your personal perception of color and its related situations. If the characteristic of Jung does not suit you, try the method of free association between the image of the real world with that color, which was the subject of a dream. Color: Positive aspect - the negative aspect. Blue, blue: Nobility, calm - depression. Black: Power - death or mourning. Brown: Earth, nature - scatological. Gray: Neutral - lack of passion, death. Green: Fertility, update, wealth - greed, envy,. Red: Sacrifice, sexuality - lust, forbidden sex, humiliation, physical injury. Orange: The spirit of adventure, change - the forced changes, destructiveness. Purple: grandeur, positive personal growth - injury. Yellow: Awakening - cowardice, illness. White: Purity, health, sacred ritual - a void.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

D. interpretation of the specific color shades.


Colour affirms the existence of light. In spiritual terms, red is the colour of self-image and sexuality, orange is relationship - both with ourselves and others. Yellow is the emotional self, green is self-awareness and blue is self-expression and wisdom. Indigo is the colour of creativity, while violet depicts cosmic responsibility. Pure white suggests absolute spirituality. The symbolism of colour is very relevant in dreams since we know that these colours are not physically produced, but are a mental image.

Colour is a vital part of symbolism, dream and otherwise. By learning to work with our own colour spectrum, particularly in the dream state, we can maintain and enhance our physical wellbeing. This is partly to do with the vibratory frequency which each individual colour has, and partly to do with tradition. Experiments have been carried out to ascertain what effect colour has, and have proved what occultists and healers have always known. In working with the colours of the rainbow, we discover that the warm, lively colours - which give back light - are yellow, orange and red. Cold passive colours are blue, indigo and violet. Green is a synthesis of both warmth and cold. White light holds within it the whole colour spectrum and its potential.

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