Dream «Amputation»

Amputation — the need to get rid of the problem (block) corresponding to the amputated body part in a dream. The reflection of the lack of integrity.

Miller’s dream book

Amputation is a dream to small losses at work. If you dream there was a complete loss of limbs, is the decline in commercial matters. Seamen dream promises storm, loss of property. If people are going through a great misfortune, this is a dream - a warning sign that things could be worse.

Loff’s dream book

To cut off part of the body. Dreams often draw to us pictures in which we damage any parts of a body. People dream various forms of damages. It often speaks about physical weakness of the person or the self-destructive psychological beginning. Try to define, than amputation is caused as it is carried out, and also analyse the condition of alarm caused by this process. Also look how amputation influences your further life and what are connected with it inconveniences, or perhaps it brings feeling of release? Think, how remote part of a body is necessary to you in real life for functioning of an organism.

Esoteric Dream Book

To see — you have a lot of extra connections, it's time to get rid of them. To make the most - to get rid of unnecessary contacts and attachments will be difficult to have to "cut to the quick."Parts of the body themselves disappear - if not blood , some communication will disappear by themselves if the blood, you are not emotionally ready for the parting, which will soon have to go through.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (short)

Refusal of a certain part of. For example, amputation of a foot can mean that you will not be able to insist on the. The amputated hand can specify that you cannot control a situation.

New family dream book

If you dreamed about amputation of any part of a body, prepare for small losses on service.

Ancient Zedkielya dream book

If in a dream to you amputate a hand or a foot is a serious warning of the future death of the person close and dear to you (the wife or the husband, the child, parents or the beloved). bereavement, alas, your inevitable lot.

East female dream book

Dreamed, what to you will amputate an extremity? In affairs small, but very annoying troubles threaten. Be extremely circumspect.

Modern dream book

If dreamed you that to you will amputate an extremity, in affairs you are threatened by small, but very annoying troubles. You should show limit care.

Snotolkovatel (1829)

To dream of an amputation of any part of the body - means a small loss in the service.

Complete loss of sleep and toes - this is the decline in commercial matters.

Seafarers this dream foretells a storm, the loss of property.

People are experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign.


Spiritually any amputation signifies a loss of some sort - we may be attempting to disfigure the perfect. Often dreams show by their symbolism what is not right or good and a dream of amputation suggests that we need to take action to rectify the situation. We are suffering from a loss of power or ability and may, in the process, find that we have cut short an experience. Since pain is often a consequence of an amputation, we are trying to come to terms with pain or unpleasantness which has occurred in waking life. When we dream of the amputation of one of our own limbs, we risk or fear losing or cutting off, by repressing, a part of ourselves. There is loss of a facility or something we value. To dream of amputating someone else's limb indicates our ability to deny others their right to self-expression. Arising from the patterning laid down in the womb, dreams of amputation of a limb can often have a sexual or gender specific meaning. In a mans dream there is an aspect of emasculation occurring, whereas in a womans dream, she may be experiencing problems with aspects of her Animus. You might also like to read the entries for Guillotine and Operation as well as the information on Archetypes in the Introduction.

Freud’s dream book

Anyone who is dependent on legs or arms for a living may look forward with certainty to an increase of income after a dream of having one of these members cut off.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Amputation can symbolize refusal of a certain part of, depending on what part will amputate in your dream. For example amputation of a foot can mean that you will not be able to insist on the. Or, perhaps, you will lose ability freely to move on life. The amputated hand can specify that you will not be able to hold control over a situation.

Miller’s dream book

To dream amputation of any parts of a body – means small losses on service.


To dream amputation of any part of the body - means a small loss in the service. Complete loss of sleep hands and feet - a decline in commercial matters. For the sailors a dream foretells a storm, the loss of property. people experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign. Alternative interpretation of what does it mean when you dream about amputation

If you had a dream that you amputate a limb, in the matters you face small but very annoying trouble. You should exercise extreme caution.

Henry Rommel

People experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning.In a dream amputation of any part of the body is in trouble at work, and complete loss of arms and legs - the decline in commercial matters. For seafarers the dream - the storm, the loss of property.

Miller’s dream book

To dream amputation any part of the body - means a small loss in the service. Complete loss of sleep hands and feet - a decline in commercial matters. For seafarers this dream foretells a storm, the loss of property. People experiencing a great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign.